Mar 24, 2010

Basic Cookie Dough- Fruit Bars

I did it! and at 8:00 is was not looking like I was going to get these even started. I left the house at 6:00 am and by the time I got home I didn't feel well. By 8:00pm no cookies had been started and I was in bed. It wasn't till my oldest came to lay down with me and play with my hair in efforts to make me feel better, did I strive for more. Boy did that do the trick. I decided for the sack of our pact that this was not going to keep me down.

Kitchen lights on, no time to wait for the butter to come to room temp, so micro to soften it goes. Dalton comes down to see if I needed any more help. It is 8:35 pm I did not decline! We worked so well together, like a well oiled machine. Within an hour we were done. He even stayed to dry all the dishes. Yippee. This recipe called for a apricot preserve or jam. Since I was not feeling well, my dear husband ran out to get me a jar. He came back with sugar free ( I was concerned). In hind site this was a good thing. Did I tell you I have gained 10 pounds since the beginning of this challenge? not good. Anyway there is enough sugar in the crust and topping that it does not make a difference so you might as well save yourself some calories. Lastly as I look at my picture my top is golden however in the book it looks as if there might be powdered sugar added? Whos's to know what can be down with digital photography these days. I love the way these cookies make me feel. Even though they are not light in calories when you eat them you may think they are.

Delivery may be tomorrow you just never know! Angie


  1. Angie I was not feeling well on Monday and I could not get out of my favorite chair. I could not imagine baking cookies how I felt. You must have gotten super powers from your sons touch. It was wonderful that he cared enough to help with the cookies also. What precious moments you are finding in this endevor. No confectioners sugar on my cookies, I think mine did now brown as lovely as yours. L. Sharon

  2. What a wonderful son you have to help you feel better and then pitch in with the cookies and dishes! It takes a determined woman to bake when you don't feel up to par. The pact with your friends remains intact and the rotation is on schedule. Hope you're feeling better. Theresa G.

  3. Angie you rock!! Nice job can't wait to taste them.
    Danielle G.

  4. You are amazing to still crank these out when you rather turn in for the night. Great guys you have supporting you! You should hold on to the fruit bars and serve them tomorrow night!
